Little gnom Service

Personal care tailored to your wishes

The first rays of sunshine creep through the bedroom window and gently wake you up.

Our ‘Heinzelmännchen’ prepares your breakfast for you. The fire crackles, the birds strike up their morning song. The smell of fresh coffee, bread and pastries tempt you out of your pine wood bed.

In the summer, and when the sun is shining, we will happily serve you on the terrace. You’ll be right in the middle of nature. On cooler days and in winter, you can enjoy your breakfast behind the panoramic window and still feel a part of nature – freedom!

From self catering, Heinzelmännchen breakfast to haute cuisine - we can meet your expectations.

Most of our food is local made, and better than "organic".

So that your day isn’t restricted in any way, we will continually fill your food cupboards according to your wishes (and at the price you would pay in the supermarket).

You do have other wishes, let us know.

We are firm with wedding proposals, helicopterservice (we do have our own landing site), fireworks for special occasions ... and so on ...

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